What makes a Rhino Linings spray-in bed liner better than a drop-in bed liner?
Rhino Lining provides hands down better protection than drop-in bed liners because it adheres directly to the bed, forming a permanent barrier against the elements. Drop-in liners rest in the truck bed and do not completely form to the walls of the bed, leaving gaps where water, rust and debris collect.
Can I use my truck right away?
Yes, Rhino Linings dries to the touch in just seconds. But we recommend that you wait about 24 hours for heavy duty use, to allow the bed liner material to fully cure.
Will the lining hold up in rugged conditions and temperature extremes?
Yes, Rhino Linings sprayed-on bed liners are rated for use in temperatures ranging from subzero to 190°F. They are engineered to withstand the severe cold of Alaska to the intense heat of Texas, while providing maximum protection and corrosion resistance.
Is is it low maintenance?
Will the liner prevent moisture, rust, and UV damage?
Yes, our brand’s coating is made from a strong polyurethanes that bonds to your truck bed to resist impact, rust, moisture, UV rays, and more.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes, we usually schedule appointments 2 to 3 days in advance; however, we do have cancellations, and we may be able to fit you sooner. Just give us a call!